WOW!!! It has been over a year since I’ve joined my new Parish family here at St. John’s/Bernadette’s and I have never felt more welcome than I have been here these last sixteen months, considering. I want to thank you all for not only welcoming me, but my family as well. Marilyn and I are so excited to be here and be a total part of the community.
So, what’s up? Well, if you remember I wrote my first Beacon last April 2020. Our DRE, Judy, has been on me about writing another (all year to be exact). Between work, family and CO-VID I just couldn’t get it together, and it probably was the optimal time. Soooo, we’re going to do this! This will be my second letter style. In the coming weeks the Beacon will shift and change, much like the Holy Spirit. If you enjoy my homilies, you’ll enjoy the Beacon. I am now actively involved with the RCIA and have given a couple of Baptism prep classes. Our hope is to get another study of some sort going in a few weeks as we continue returning to “normal” parish life. Maybe we can pick back up on “No Greater Love”.
What’s next? The Beacon will be here every week for your reading pleasure. I’ll keep you updated on my adventures around the Parish, give us food for thought and spiritual enrichment, and hey, just have a good ol time! Who says Church must be boring? NO ONE!!!!!
Of course, it hasn’t been the same since COVID-19 came on the scene. My prayers are with you all, especially those who have been afflicted and for those who have passed.
Until next time…may Jesus keep you smiling, may God’s grace shine on you and always pray for our Pastor and Fr. Johnny…They have a heck of a job…luv ya!
Deacon Phil